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Monday, August 17, 2015

Dilan The Series : Finding Memories

So I just finished reading both book, Dilan the series. Allright the first installment called Dilan : Dilanku 1990 in Indonesian, yes, and the second installment entitled Dilan : Dia adalah Dilanku tahun 1991. Both are enchanting, both will bring you to the best era for most people, in High School. 

Well honestly, I always doubtful towards my teacher when I was in Senior High School. They also like envying how the class is really cheerful and one. We barely have a kind of tension and all people are be friend (allright not to mention some small slight different opinion probably) but generally we are really be friend each other. Shown on how we actually very flexible on deciding our table mate from the first year to second year and we settled in last year. Probably we feel to old to change partner? Or we just finally find a perfect partner in crime... literally. HAHA

Well back to Dilan the series, it will bring you to the nostalgic past of Milea Adnan Hussain nad her love life during her High School with a kind-of-bad-guy that now being trend (isn't it? or Bad Guy will always be the best choice that you have LMAO) Dilan. From her point of view we are persuaded to feel the love, the heat and the feels of the high school lovey dovey. Most important thing probably is the way Dilan express his love. No, I guess you will not find any kind of way in expressing love as original as how Dilan did, even though I find some of them so lame (or I am in denial). 

What I can be sure is that, you will be drone, drone in the unique way on how Dilan treat Milea, on how the words can move you and how Dilan think of something. You will be full of Dilan and this dilan disease is transfered from Milea, so that she is not the only one getting this disease, you will get one too, missing~ longing for Dilan (or probably your ex, or someone that you loved so much, for me I miss Dilan HA!)

A bit spoiler : Dilan is so random and I think I would be proud if I can really have someone that can preserve his randomness, as someone told me, basically men are child. And another thing i know from tweet (?) a girl who can preserve the child side of a man is a kind of girl ( imean one of a kind, for a girl), so I wish I can really make my man being comfortable telling me that kind of random stuff, telling in a random way, sharing his thought randomly and all that sounds crazy and random.

Randomness such in letter how he invite Milea to attend school in day from Monday to Saturday, giving TTS as bday gift because he doesn't want Milea having headache when trying to solve it and the sweetest quoted in Bahasa as follow ... this randomness surely will melt any women, don't you think so? 

This series, from book 1 and 2 are all from Milea point of view, so some are left unanswered (i think), suddenly this and that, well I can't even complaining because it seems like I know Milea, or even think Milea is myself who also wondering, who feel this, it feels like your close friend telling you the story, the feeling. And feeling itself enough without a kind of plot elaboration that we may demand. But what is plot if the feel is delivered well? If you already feel the tense and the emotion?

So looking forward for this Dilan sequel, the author keeps throwing news that he will write 'suara Dilan' another instalment with Dilan point of view, which hopefully answer some questions that remain, also probably show why he's so random, or probably we will get his randomness added all over again that may makes us fall even harded to Dilan. well... let's see, daddy/surayah/ayah pidi is said to currently writting this. 

PS : 
1. this is a true story ( well as said by Pidi Baiq and other and whether you will believe or not, it's ur choice) 
2. Milea has a twitter account in @mileaAdnan, Piyan also has in so_piyan
3. If you go through their twitter acc, you may get clue on which gang motor Dilan was... 
4. Who doesn't love D? D for Dilan and who's your D? Ha....

Book Shelf Update and Short Review

I am now somehow is into book once again. Not to mention that I was leaving book world, I keep reading but the amount of book read every week could be said drastically decreased since I was into kpop and stuff. Now the amount of me reading is also not as satisfying, If I was used to finish reading 300 pages novel in one day, now it takes week. Blame my reading speed ability that is not as keen as it used to be and the time strain as the result of working.

So, as now I get myself a kind of monthly budget to buy a book, which somehow I mostly cross the limit, here is the update of my book shelf after I move to new place (and probably will move to another city after some time). Note : All books covers are the Indonesian Version as I read them in Indonesian version :)

1. Style - Baek Young Ok 
A nice book on the life of editor/journalist in style magazine. This novel has filmed/dramaed with the same title. I was also watching this drama but not really remember the plot. When this drama is aired, the trend in the world is a kind of devil wears prada and also Shopaholic, they both are filmed and I guess, If I am not mistaken in the same year with this drama, as this kind of theme is being so popular at that time. 

2. Supernova Gelombang- Dee
I am a huge fan of Dee, and this is the 5th installment of the Supernova series. I began to read this installment when i was in Senior High School, I read 3 books at once because they are so fascinating. Dee mostly use the tense in her work and also a scientific approach as some supporting facts or data. Whatever it is somehow after reading Dee books I feel I gained something more, feel more intelligent, i don't know. And as other Dee's works I love this book so much, from plot development to the intelligent facts that i could say become the identity of the series is clearly shown for all readers.

3. Sammy House - Kristin Gore 
Chicklit in genre - that I personally define as a successful young adult women dealing with her love life. So a kind of carreer woman who needs to jungle with work life and love life. That feelings makes me always want to go back to this genre. And this title is surprisingly great even though I bought this book in discounted fare (laugh). I am not really picky of the books in this genre because the light topic and the like. This book potrays the live of a women working in white house with boyfriend working as journalist in Washington Post. Ow~ they tottaly opposite in term of duty I mean white house probably have a lot that should be kept in secret from the news hunter. That's why this one is great and the details on the job by the heroine is quite detailed. Probably i love this book because this could be said as my dream job hehe

Well 3 books from now on, you can anticipate my other post because I still have 100 old man who jumped out of the window and disappear (a phenomenal book yes),  A girls guide to love and secret supper, Shopaholic and Sister, Agatha Cristie : Murder at Vicarage, Labour of Hercules. 

Thanks will update as soon, hopefully

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