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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Healer Hangover

So in the valentine day like this, I spend my day to finish watching all healer episode that I skip to watch because I need to maintain my sanity by keep away the image that is perfectly played by Ji Chang Wook! That oppa is well executing two dramas, both in a really different ways yet manage to successfully make them as hit. 

I don’t really know if healer is as hit as his previous work ( he played as king in Empress KI which has phenomenal rating fyi) , but this drama works really much to me as I have healer hangover all over me this day. Even hours after finishing the eps, I still starring at my monitor and rewatch several moments, surely the lovey dovey with Chae Young Shin, and also some conversation that is so cool delivered by this man. 

Healer getting so fluffy after eps 15 so beware, I mean if you want to suddenly jump to fluffy things, you may go to watch ep 15 before anything else… go on go on to the last episode and find yourself drown in healer charm… or Chae Youngshin charm…The couple is really working so well delivering the heat of people in relationship. Especially in several scene...

In the last scene of the drama - yes very last in teh last episode as well- , you will see Healer or with his real name Seo Junghoo comes with camera, take a picture of youngshin who is flirtly posing and ends up kissing.urgh!

Heol… nado issogoden!

I mean I was also in the same position, I was called to watch the camera but my heart beating so fast because the one who record is... dududuudud you know...
but that damn heart beat makes me so fail in the camera recording so I’m so shy and awkwardly smile… or no I even laughing which is really ugly. (sorry but that's the truth)

He even said "what... what.... why are are shy..." and laughing,
sure that single laud can be treated as a common laugh... for my damn beating heart.
This gives a damn shivering body calling out which makes this scene even so weird. 
He got it and sure before he may cause another drama (read damage) he move away... filming other.

My reaction is anything that would be a big shame for anyone who watch it... 
I'm sure about it. 

Surely if I can sue my own body for acting so strange and ugly in that very chance… I would gladly do that. However, that’s what happen, it can’t be canceled or revised.

I was really ugly when the crush take a picture of me, and surely we didn’t end up kissing, don’t even dream about that. He filmed other people. HAHAHAH yes he filmed all and every of my classmate. The video recording is still there I guess.. should i erase that...

doesn't it mean i just failed as the lead women in drama? kekeke 
(memories- infinite is playing as I type this… adding pain)

Still doesn’t believe i need to bid farewell to Healer oppa… I may watch his video again.. just like how Junghoo watching Youngshin video in the pc bang… the pain and the hapiness mix...

I hope i can be real soon about this.
So let's separate for a good cause Oppa...
and see you in another project Ji Chang wook ssi..
thank you for bringing me back alive as fan girl. 


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